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Donate to the Library

Gift Policy

The library will accept select donations that fit the collection development guidelines of the library. Donations may be accepted if:

  1. The items are in good condition (i.e. no pages missing, broken spine, marking to the pages) and free from mold, mildew, and water damage.

  2. Items are current and not outdated.

  3. The items are at an appropriate academic level of scholarship that support the university’s curriculum.

The library is currently unable to accept:

  1. Popular Periodicals

  2. Encyclopedias

  3. Almanacs

  4. Non-commercially produced media

  5. Cassette tapes

  6. VHS's

  7. DVD's

  8. CD's

  9. Vinyl Records

  10. Workbooks or study guides that are partially or wholly filled in

Gifts are accepted with the understanding that the library may add them to the collection at its discretion or dispose of them if they do not meet the standards for selection.  Materials that are not added to the collection may be donated to literacy-focused organizations. As a general rule, gift books will be added to the collection based on the same criteria as purchased material. The library reserves the right to determine the retention, location, cataloging treatment, and other considerations related to the use or disposition of all gifts. The library does not appraise or assign a dollar value to gifts.  If requested, the library will provide a donation acknowledgement form verifying the quantity of items donated.