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Bluebook Citation

Essential Rules

B10: Bluepages sources and authorities reference for cases.

B12: Bluepages for sources and authorities for statutes, rules, and restatements

Rule 10:  Rule explains all aspects of case citation.

Rule 12:  Rule explains citing statutes.

T1: Reference for abbreviations of United States jurisdictions used in case citation.

What You Should Know

Before moving on with Bluebook citation, a review of cases and statutes will prove helpful.

For Cases, you should know:

  • Bluebook Rules 10 and B10.
  • How to cite federal and state cases
    • The basics of assembling a full case citation
    • How to treat a case name in the citation
    • Publication information for case citation
    • Deciding court information in the case citation
    • Year information in the case citation
  • How and when to use parallel citations to state and regional reporters
  • How and when to formulate a short form case citation

For Statutes, you should know:

  • Bluebook Rule 12 and B12
  • How to cite federal and state statutes
    • Using a popular name in a statute citation
    • Properly abbreviating the name of the code
    • Including the title in the statute citation
    • Properly formulating state statute citations based on local rules
  • How and when to use short form statute citation

If you need more citation practice, log into ICW through LexisNexis.  This will reinforce what you have already learned and will help you to diagnose any areas of weakness.