Once your interlibrary loan item has arrived, there are two ways to receive it depending on what kind of item it is.
For physical items, like books, music scores, and DVDs:
Once you have received an email notifying you that your item is available, visit the Circulation Desk to pick up your item. Your item has already been checked out on your behalf, so you are good to go!
Items are held on the shelf for 15 days. After this time, your item will be returned to the lending library.
See the book strap attached to your item to find out the due date and contact information. This information will also have been emailed to you. Please leave the book strap on so we can quickly process your request when you return the item or in the case of renewal requests.
For electronic items, like copies of articles or book chapters:
Electronic copies are accessed through a secured web system called Article Exchange. Your item will be available there for 30 days, or 5 downloads--whichever comes first. When an item is available, you will receive an email to your JU account with a link to the secured website, a unique password, and other information about your request.

Follow the link in the email, and type in the provided password on the Article Exchange webpage. Your item should download to your computer or device automatically.